Make Comics Forever!!

Make Comics Forever is a forum for cartoonists dedicated to improving their productivity. This is not a forum for wimps! This is not a forum for flakes! We are here to share tips and techniques on how to produce more work and better work. Become a comic-making machine! Join the discussion now! To become a member, email a request to robyn @

Monday, July 31, 2006

An Explanation

Ok, I haven't been very present here at MCF. Sorry about that. I'm glad many of you good folk are keeping it lively. To honest, my working life has become too overwhelming. I do regret that, but this has always been a public forum, not a personal blog.
And yes, I have been deleting posts. The posts were deleted for two reasons. One, they didn't meet the criteria of this blog. This is a forum about work habits and the creative process. All posts should relate to these topics. It is not a place for art critique. I feel like there are plenty venues for that on the internet. This is also not a place to post comic news or editorials (unless they relate to work habits or the creative process.)
And two, the posts in question were, in my opinion, disrespectful and in poor taste. Call me a fascist if you'd like, I'll call myself an editor. I want this blog to provide content that is useful, I want the posts to be well written, and I want promote a positive atmosphere. Furthermore, I do want this blog to be somewhat accessible to younger cartoonists. I'd appreciate it if you'd keep that in mind when writing.

And I'd like to end by saying this: I will post again! I've been thinking thoughts in my long absence. I'll share them soon.

Friday, July 21, 2006

Mignola get Animated

I'm always happy when I see comics adapted to other mediums without getting butchered or watered down in the process, Sin City being a great example. Now Hellboy creator Mike Mignola has a full half hour "pilot" soon to air on the Sci Fi Channel.

Like all sensible people I had my cable cut so I could escape the pathetic state of what passes for entertainment these days and make comics instead, but lucky me (and you!) we can see this fine film on the web! Give Mikey a vote and maybe someday I'll get my TV hooked up again!

...Or not. But still, it's worth checking out!

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Greetings from me

Hello fellow MCF bloggers!

I guess here is where I state my name, rank and serial number:

I'm Troy Little, I do comics (duh). To elaborate I publish a comic series called "Chiaroscuro" and I'm currently at work on a second graphic novel. By day I work in animation, any remaining time I cram in comic work and some freelance.

I'm situated on a small island on the far east coast of Canada where the comic scene consists of me and one other person (to my knowledge). Not really a hotbed of activity. Go into either of our local comic shops and ask for non mainstream comics at your peril.

Anywho, I recently posted a little diatribe on how I go about creating a page from my in-the-works graphic novel "Angora Napkin" on my personal blog which you can check out at your leisure. Then Click on the words "Meanwhile Studios" in the links section to check out my old, way out of date website to see what other crap I've been up to.

Thanks for the invite to the group Robyn!

Monday, July 03, 2006

well, here is....

Make Comics Forever!!

I wanted to thank Robyn for alowing me an entry into her little circle here, which she didnt have to do. I hope you all take a look at the cartoons I am posting up on blogger and tell me anything which you think, either way. I love comix, of all sorts, and used to look for penthouses as a kid, literally, just to find the dirty cartoons of a brunette named wanda, to try to duplicate on xerox paper I stole from the school mimeograph room. I knew something was up when I spent more time drawing a playmate named Patty Farinelli than I did ogling her, and her image is still in my works. But playboy sold out to the smurfettes with blond hair and fake boobs long ago, as did comics become as dull as frank millers dishwater. Anyway, i am glad to participate here. I will trade books with anybody willing to read my ....stuff.